A job in the financial sector is not only available to graduates of business administration, economics and law. The financial sector also has a lot to offer to people with a commercial education.
Getting started after finishing university with a degree
A degree in finance or in business administration simplifies entering the financial sector. Today, however, it is also important to gain expert level knowledge in a field. Students should therefore consider early on what they would like to specialize in. The chances of a career in the financial sector are much greater for specialists.
A Master’s degree program also provides the necessary specialized knowledge. The best Master’s programs in the finance sector are a Master in finance and economics, in financial analysis, in risk management and a Master in insurance.
Entering the financial sector as a trainee
In the financial sector, not only graduates in economics are considered for a position as a trainee. Physicists, graduates of the humanities and others can also start a career in the financial sector as a trainee. Lawyers and computer scientists can be successful in the financial sector as direct entrants, because because of their expertise.
Commercial jobs in the financial sector
Not only a degree, but also a completed commercial apprenticeship serves as an entry into the financial sector. After the apprenticeship, various further training opportunities help the career in the financial sector. After an apprenticeship, it is also possible to study in the financial sector. The studies can be completed part-time or in full time. Some of the most popular training programs in the financial sector are explained in the following.
The apprenticeship as a bank clerk is the most popular kind of training in the financial sector. The apprentices have the opportunity to work in all areas of the bank. From advisory work to loan brokerage, all doors are open to bank clerks.
An apprenticeship as a bank clerk can be started with the GCSE (UK), mittlere Reife (Germany) or the High School Diploma (USA). Independence and responsibility are the most important skills for the training.
Since August 2020, the increas in digital assets has been noticeable.. Since then, trainees also learn more about project management and asset accumulation.
Financial managers
Financial managers learn how to check and control finances during their training. The job opportunities are very diverse. In the financial sector, they are responsible for controlling and compliance. In the civil service, they can be employed as tax investigators. Employment as a tax auditor is also possible with training as a financial economist.
Investment fund clerk
The main focus of an investment fund clerk is the analysis of money, capital and securities markets. Fund managers use these analyses to manage and oversee equity funds. Investment fund clerks can also be employed in accounting and controlling.
Insurance and finance clerk
After a classic apprenticeship as an insurance and finance clerk, a career in the financial sector can be started through various further training options or a course of study. The insurance and finance clerk works as an independent broker or brokers insurance and financial products to banks and insurance companies. A degree is not mandatory for a career in the financial sector. Many careers have started with a commercial apprenticeship.
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